Cosmetic surgery, also known as aesthetic surgery, is a type of medical procedure that is used to change or improve a person’s appearance. These procedures are typically elective. They are chosen by the patient for personal reasons but are not medically necessary.
There are various kinds of cosmetic surgery procedures. Each procedure is designed to improve a specific body part or to address a specific concern.
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What Are The 5 Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures?
1. Abdominoplasty
Abdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tucks, involves tightening abdominal muscles and removing excess fat and skin from the stomach. After a significant weight loss, it is normal to have saggy, loose skin on the stomach. Some people might dislike loose skin so a tummy tuck is best for this concern.
There are various types of tummy tucks and these include extended tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, and full tummy tuck. An extended tummy tuck is like fully tummy tuck but it also includes removing excess fat and skin from the back and sides.
A mini tummy tuck does not include tightening stomach muscles but it involves removing excess fat and skin from the lower abdominal area. A full tummy tuck is an all-in-one – it involves tightening stomach muscles, as well as removing excess fat and skin from the entire stomach.
This surgery involves the use of general anaesthesia so the patient will be asleep during the procedure. The patient can go home on the same day since the surgery is often about two to five hours.
Wearing a compression garment post-surgery will help to reduce swelling and to support the treated areas while healing. The patient can use pain meds as needed to manage pain and other discomforts. Side effects like bruising and swelling are common but they should clear within a few weeks.
It is important for patients to follow the instructions of their plastic surgeon closely after the surgery in order to minimize the risk of complications and optimize the final result. This may include avoiding certain activities, such as lifting heavy objects or engaging in strenuous exercise, for a period of time after the surgery.
2. Liposuction
Liposuction is another common cosmetic surgery procedure. It involves the use of a suction device to remove excess fat from certain areas of the body. This procedure is often used to contour the body, giving it a more streamlined and toned appearance.
Various techniques can be used in liposuction surgery, including ultrasound-assisted liposuction, traditional liposuction, and tumescent liposuction. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction involves using ultrasound energy to turn the excess fat into liquid before it is suctioned out.
Traditional liposuction involves using a cannula (a hollow stainless steel tube) to remove the excess fat. Tumescent liposuction involves numbing the treatment area and shrinking the blood vessels with a large volume of anaesthetic solution before the fat is removed.
Liposuction can be done on different parts of the body, including the chin, arms, stomach, buttocks and thighs. The patient will be asleep during this procedure because of the use of general anaesthesia. The surgery doesn’t take long, about two to four hours so the patient can go home on the same day.
Wearing a compression garment post-surgery will help to reduce swelling and to support the treated areas while healing. The patient can use pain meds as needed to manage pain and other discomforts. Side effects like bruising and swelling are common but they should clear within a few weeks.
It is essential to follow post-surgery care instructions to optimize the final result and lower complication risks. This might include staying away from activities, like strenuous exercises and lifting heavy objects, for a few weeks after the surgery.

3. Breast augmentation
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. It involves using implants to change the shape or size of a woman’s breasts. It is often done by women who dislike the shape or size of their breasts, or by those who have lost volume in their breasts after weight loss or pregnancy.
Saline implants and silicone implants are the most common types of breast implants used for breast augmentation surgery. Saline implants are made of a silicone shell containing sterile salt water, while silicone implants are made of a silicone shell containing silicone gel. However, they are both made to feel and look like natural breasts.
The implant’s shape and size can be designed to suit each individual’s goal and needs. The placement of the implants, as well as the implant’s shape and size, are usually discussed with the plastic surgeon during the consultation process.
The patient will be asleep during this procedure because of the use of general anaesthesia. The breast augmentation surgery doesn’t take long, about two hours so the patient can go home on the same day. It is required to wear a special bra post-surgery. This help to keep the implants in place while the breasts are healing.
4. Nose surgery
Nose surgery, commonly known as nose job or rhinoplasty, involves changing the shape of the nose to improve its function or appearance. It is often done by people who damaged their noses during accidents or by people who dislike their natural nose’s shape or symmetry.
Nose surgery technique can be either open or closed. Closed rhinoplasty is a less invasive procedure as it involves making incisions inside the nose. Meanwhile, open rhinoplasty involves making incisions outside the nose so the plastic surgeon can see the main structure of the nose and make the changes needed by the patient.
The goals and needs of each person will determine the changes that the surgeon will make during the procedure. It could be narrowing the nostrils, reducing the nose size, reshaping the nose tip, or fixing the abnormalities in the nose shape.
The patient will be asleep during this procedure because of the use of general anaesthesia. Rhinoplasty surgery doesn’t take long, about two hours so the patient can go home on the same day. It is required to wear a splint to help support the nose while healing post-surgery.
5. Facelifts
Facelifts, also known as rhytidectomy, involve tightening the muscles and skin on the face to improve the sagging skin and wrinkles appearance. This procedure is most loved by people that want to restore their youthful appearance.
Facelift surgery can be done using any of these techniques: thread facelifts, mini facelifts, and traditional facelifts. A thread facelift involves lifting and tightening the skin on the face with special suture threads.
A mini facelift is used for a specific part of the face, i.e. neck or cheeks. It is a less invasive version of a traditional facelift. A traditional facelift involves the surgical tightening of muscles and removing excess skin on the neck and face.
This surgery involves the use of general anaesthesia so the patient will be asleep during the procedure. The patient can go home on the same day since the surgery is often about three to five hours.
Wearing a compression garment post-surgery will help to reduce swelling and to support the treated areas while healing. The patient can use pain meds as needed to manage pain and other discomforts. Side effects like bruising and swelling are common but they should clear within a few weeks.
In addition to these more common cosmetic surgery procedures, there are also a number of less common procedures that are designed to address specific concerns. These may include procedures such as ear surgery, which is used to improve the appearance of the ears, or eyelid surgery, which is used to improve the appearance of the eyelids.
What To Consider Before Cosmetic Surgery
Before undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery, it is important for individuals to carefully consider their motivations for wanting the procedure and to have realistic expectations about the outcome. It is also important to choose a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon who is board-certified and has a good track record of success.
The decision to undergo cosmetic surgery is a personal one and should not be taken lightly. It is important for individuals to fully understand the potential risks and complications associated with these procedures, as well as the possible benefits.
Recovery from cosmetic surgery can vary depending on the specific procedure being performed, but most people can expect to experience some pain, swelling, and bruising after the procedure. It is important to follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon closely in order to minimize the risk of complications and optimize the final result.
In addition to physical recovery, it is important for individuals to be prepared for the emotional recovery that can occur after cosmetic surgery. It is not uncommon for people to experience feelings of anxiety, depression, or insecurity after undergoing a procedure, particularly if the outcome is not what they had hoped for. It is important to have a support system in place and to seek the guidance of a mental health professional if needed.
Overall, cosmetic surgery can be a useful tool for improving a person’s appearance and self-confidence, but it is important to do your research, choose an expert and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. You need to also be aware of the potential risks and complications.
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